2.3 Bits and Pieces

2.3 Bits and Pieces. 

The current record for the memorization of pi’s digits is 67890.  Anyone care to go for a new record for this transcendental number, which has been calculated to 10,000,000,000,000 digits?

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Admission will be free to all 397 National Park Sites during National Park Week, from Saturday, April 21, 2012, through Sunday, April 29, 2012.  More info at: www.nationalparkweek.org.

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I have a friend whose feet are two different sizes–one a size 10, one a size 6–as a result of childhood polio.  She always had to buy two pairs of shoes to get one pair of mismates.  Then discovered Nordstrom, and a few other stores have a policy of selling mismates at regular price. It is always nice to hear about a classy store policy.

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According to wordperson Anu Garg, the word “set” has the largest number of meanings — the Oxford English Dictionary has 26 pages devoted to this three-letter word. 

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Many of the passengers of the Jolly Swag are writers.  So I have added a Writer Advice tab in the blog, Not because I have so many lightning bolts of writer insight to offer but because I find flashes from other writers or useful information that could escape easy discovery.

With a hat tip to the Forum of the Mt Diablo Branch of the California Writers Club for the tidbit entitled: “Adding editorial reviews at Amazon.com.” (https://allevenson.wordpress.com/adding-editorial-reviews-at-amazon-com/)

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The term supercentenarian has been around since the 1970s.  It means someone who has lived to be 110.  About one in 1000 centarians will become supercentarians.  My money is on Faye Sibbring, who danced at her 100th over a year ago.

Nonna gave it a helleva try.  Below is a picture of a plaque on a park bench at the north end of the Legacy Bicycle Trail in Sarasota, FL.


Another nifty new word I may never get to use is preantepenultimate, which means the fourth from the last.  You figured that out, right?  Before-before-the next-to-last.

2 Responses to 2.3 Bits and Pieces

  1. Colleen Rae says:

    Thnks, Al for educating me on some new words and facts. The word ‘set’ is fascinating too. How could it have so many meanings it took 26 pages? I’have to visit the library so I can read up on it.

  2. karen wittgraf says:

    Pi’s digits totally escape me- that part of my brain is damaged, I’m sure.
    As for the word “set”, I immediately recalled the conversation in an old timer’s cafe near here:
    “Been fishin’?” the old man asked a friend that walked through. “Yup- didn’t catch a damn thing”-
    “Oh yeah? Good place to SET though”.

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