Haunted Halloween houses–more fun pix

The recent post, Trick or Treating, Kansas Style prompted a lot of the blog’s passengers to permit their Inner Kid to post comments. 

One was from my pal, Jeff, who admitted he is a Halloween junkie and does his house up every year.

Kansans do a pretty good job of haunting up their houses, too.

I decided to let my Inner Kid have the camera and roam the neighborhoods of Leavenworth.

We will milk the Halloween theme for one more post.

Tune in for the next episode, entitled Pumpkin Art.


5 Responses to Haunted Halloween houses–more fun pix

  1. David Bauer says:

    Along with picking up the essence of Halloween in a mid-western town, your pictures are also reminiscent of Norman Rockwell’s classic Americana portraits. I have heard that Rockwell actually worked from photographs when he painted. Might your next creative venture on the road be painting?

  2. karen wittgraf says:

    There is something I read once about people’s “real self” is the costume chosen at Halloween- this, of course, is about adult parties. I chose what was easiest -“Raggedy Ann” or a witch. Therefore, my inner self must be an evil rag doll. What costumes have you worn?

  3. Vikki says:

    Alberto, As you begin you second adventure journey, I become increasginly impressed with both your photography and writing, and highly functioning website!!!
    You bring to us the nooks and crannies of the remote towns we never even knew exsisted, much less would ever see in a life time. We get to meet a variety of characters and personalities whose paths we could never intersect. Thank you for taking us with you! Vikki

  4. Dave L says:

    Ditto to Vikki.

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